

Ragging is strictly prohibited on college premises. If anyone is found indulging in such activities, strict action will be taken regardless of the extent. The Supreme Court of India has banned ragging. To prevent such activities on campus, several committees have been formed. Any individual or group of individuals who indulge in an act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and shall be dealt with as per the ordinance. This includes individual or collective acts or practices that involve physical assault, threat, or use of physical force, which violate the status, dignity, and honor of any student.


• Violate the status, dignity, and honor of girl students.
• Violate the status, dignity, and honor of SC and ST students.
• Expose students to ridicule and contempt, thereby affecting their
• Engage in verbal abuse, aggression, indecent gestures, or obscene behavior.


The principal or the Anti-Ragging Committee shall take immediate action upon receiving any information about the occurrence of ragging. The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall make an appropriate decision regarding punishment. Depending on the nature and gravity of the incident, the case may be forwarded to the police. If the head of the educational institution fails or neglects to act as specified above when a complaint of ragging Is made, such a person shall be deemed to have abetted the offense and shall, on conviction, be punished accordingly. All students admitted to this educational institution must fill out the anti-ragging form, jointly signed by the student and parent, to be submitted along with the admission form.

Helpline Number: 1800-180-5522