

With a view to facilitate cultural importance in the era of globalization, intellectual achievements, and leadership qualities, the college carries out many activities through the student council. To avoid the influence and interference of political bodies in the academic atmosphere, we have refrained from holding elections on the premises. Instead, student representatives are nominated as office bearers. The nominative board consists of the principal, IQAC members, and faculties. The board  nominates the president from the final year, vice president from the second year, and secretary and joint secretary from the first year. After the nomination of representatives, the inauguration of the student council will be arranged according to the action plans.

The principal and the IQAC coordinator will elaborate on the responsibilities for the
nominated representatives. Student representatives are involved in all college activities. The
auxiliary bodies like NSS, YRC, Nature Club, Women's Cell, etc., will nominate
representatives from their individual wings.

The IQAC, departments, and the auxiliary bodies list all the activities to be done as per the
action plan for the academic year. The IQAC ensures the active participation of students in all
activities and arranges meetings with student council members to discuss the planned
activities for the academic year. Suggestions on academic activities from student council
members are also taken into consideration.

Student representatives are given charge of maintaining the garden and cleanliness of the
campus. Class representatives are responsible for supervising discipline and cleanliness in the
classroom under the guidance of the teacher in charge.& quote;

List of Student Council Members:

President – Huda Thammanna
Vice President – Nikhil Joseph K J
Secretary – Nanaiah K A
Joint Secretary – Yashika K K
Sports Secretary – Machaiah P P
Cultural Secretary – Yuktha P M