
FDP on “Positivity Quotient”

Objective of the Program:

The Faculty Development Program aimed to enhance the potential, internal dynamics of the mind, and personality of the teachers to foster improved teaching-learning outcomes.


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and the Management jointly organized the Faculty Development Program on “Positivity Quotient”.

Resource Person:

Mr. Seby Mavelly, HR Training and Development Officer from MDES, Mysore, was invited as the esteemed resource person for the program.


The program was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Madalai Muthu, Correspondent of St. Anne’s Institutions, and Rev. Fr. Issac Rathnakar, Principal of St. Anne’s Degree College, by lighting the lamp. The session commenced promptly at 10 AM

Program Sessions

The morning session included a comprehensive explanation of the concept of positivity quotient and theoretical mental exercises aimed at enhancing potentiality. The resource person emphasized the importance of positive intelligence, stating, “Your mind is your best friend, but it is also your worst enemy. After the lunch break, the session continued with interactive games designed to improve positivity quotient, followed by an engaging interaction session with the resource person”.


The Faculty Development Program witnessed active participation from all teaching and administrative staff members of the college, contributing to the success of the event. The program concluded at 3 p.m. with a vote of thanks

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