
FDP on “Design Thinking and Innovation in Teaching and Learning”


On 02/02/2019, St. Anne’s Degree College, Virajpet, organized a Faculty Development Program on “Design Thinking and Innovation in Teaching and Learning.” The program aimed to enhance the teaching methodologies by integrating innovative approaches and fostering a culture of design thinking among the faculty members.


The esteemed speaker for the day was Mr. Santhosh Rabello, Dean and Chairman of the PG Department of Computer Applications and Bioinformatics at St. Aloysius Institute of Management and Information Technology, Mangalore. Mr. Rabello brought a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of education and technology.


The program commenced with the auspicious presence of our Principal, Rev. Fr. Issac Rathnakar, and IQAC Coordinator, Mrs. Trupti Bopanna.

Keynote Address:

Mr. Santhosh Rabello delivered an insightful keynote address focusing on the theme of “Finding FLOW” in teaching. He elaborated on the elements of flow, including self-control, environment, skills, tasks, and rewards, emphasizing their crucial role in effective teaching and learning processes.

Discussion on Modern Technologies

Mr. Rabello enlightened the audience on the significance of leveraging modern technologies in education delivery. He highlighted platforms such as Google Classroom and ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) as powerful tools to enhance the teaching-learning experience and engage students effectively.


In his concluding remarks, Mr. Rabello emphasized the importance of self-awareness and continuous improvement for educators. He emphasized that a teacher’s effectiveness lies in understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses and cultivating a set of qualities that serve as an armour for their career progression.