

The Student Council promotes cultural and intellectual growth and leadership qualities in the college. To maintain a non-political academic environment, we avoid elections and nominate student representatives instead. The nominating board, which includes the principal, IQAC members and faculty, selects the president from final-year students, the vice president from second-year students, and the secretary and joint secretary from first-year students. After nominations, the Student Council is inaugurated. The principal and IQAC coordinator explain the responsibilities to the representatives. These representatives are involved in all college activities. Groups like NSS, YRC, Nature Club, and Women’s Cell nominate their own representatives. The IQAC and departments list all planned activities for the academic year and ensure student participation. The IQAC meets with Student Council members to discuss and plan activities, considering their suggestions. Student representatives help maintain the garden and campus cleanliness, and class representatives oversee discipline and cleanliness in classrooms with a teacher's guidance.