

  • For day-to-day behavior every student of the College is responsible to the Principal.
  • Students are expected to be in Uniform etiquette with College I.D. while attending classes, meeting or College functions.
  • The working day is divided into two sessions. The forenoon session falls between 9-30 am and 12-50 p.m. and the afternoon session between 1-30 p.m. & 4-30 p.m.
  • Due respect to the members of the staff of the college should be given by the students at all times.
  • Though the college is not responsible for the conduct of its students outside the premises, the Principal will take cognizance of any serious misconduct of the students outside which is likely to reflect upon the reputation of the college and take such action against the offender as he may deem fit and proper.
  • Books, Magazines, Newspapers and Pamphlets which are not approved by the Principal should not be brought to the College.
  • Students should not join such associations which may interface with their studies, without the Principal’s permission.
  • Students of the College are not allowed to play in any external team against the College without prior permission of the Principal.
  • Silence must be strictly maintained not only in the classrooms but also in the Library & Corridors.
  • No students are allowed to attend any class other than his/her own except with the prior permission of the Lecturer concerned.
  • Irregularity in attendance, disobedience towards Staff, neglect of work, habitual inattention, obscenity in word or the act is punishable by temporary or permanent dismissal.
  • The use of tobacco in any form and the use of intoxicating drinks is forbidden.
  • Students should participate in the co-curricular and extracurricular activities of the College.
  • Students are not allowed to take part in political agitations directed against the authority of the Government. They are also forbidden from engaging in any public movement.
  • In academic matters, the rules and regulations framed by the Principal and the College Governing Council from time to time shall have to be strictly adhered to by the students of the College.
  • No meeting or party should be held on the College premises without the prior approval of the Principal.
  • Absence for college examinations and class tests will be seriously dealt with.
  • In curricular studies, assignments are compulsory and every student has to maintain the assignment records in each of the subjects of study and submit the assignment records as and when demanded by the Principal or the lecturer concerned.
  • Disfiguring walls, tables, desks, benches etc., is strictly prohibited and are punishable with a heavy penalty.
  • Willful damages to the property of the College, books, electric appliances/instruments etc. will have to be paid for by the students of the class concerned. The decision of the Principal is final in this matter.
  • No Student is allowed to enter or leave the class without the permission of the Lecturer concerned.
  • Students must take care that their entry or exit does not disturb the classes.
  • Students are not allowed to organize picnics or tours on their own. However, they will be allowed to conduct a picnic or tour with the prior permission of the Principal.
  • 75% attendance in each subject is compulsory for getting the eligibility to write the university examination.
  • Students enrolled in NSS/Rovers& Rangers/Youth Red Cross wing: are instructed to follow the etiquette of the respective wing compulsorily.
  • Letters addressed to the students of the College are subject to the scrutiny of the Principal and if necessary.
  • Students are always welcome to approach the Principal or any member of the staff for any help connected with the Academic matters or otherwise. They shall not, however, enter the Principal’s Chamber/Office or the Departments without permission.
  • Parents/Guardians of the students are advised to keep vigil over their children, wards and maintain a healthy relationship with the Institution.
  • Purity and sanctity of the College atmosphere are to be maintained by every inmate of the college. Students should not invite any outsider to the College functions without the prior permission of the Principal.
  • Students are not allowed to loiter on the premises of the College during working hours. Each and every activity of the students should be up to the standard of academic decorum and dignity.
  • At the stroke of the bell the students must assemble in the concerned classes and observe the prayer. When the Lecturer enters the classroom, the students should rise and remain standing till he/she asks to sit.
  • When the attendance is taken by the Lecturer, each student whose name or roll number is called must raise from his/her seat and respond to his/her name.
  • Parents or guardians, relatives or friends of the students are not allowed to meet when the classes are in progress.
  • Those students who abstain from the classes continuously for 3 classes without the permission of the Principal will not be permitted to attend the classes unless they meet the Principal with their Parent/Guardian.
  • Ban of cell phones: The use of cell phones by students on the college campus is banned. cell phones, if found with the students will be confiscated. The student should not play audio/ visual devices on the campus. If found, the devices will be confiscated.